Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chapters 23-24 Reflection

Cole realized how to become invisible.  He noticed that when he saw the fish, beaver, and Spirit Bear, his mind was completely blank.  He "became invisible" and saw the Spirit Bear again.  Later, Cole finally did the anger dance.  He learned how to forgive by doing so.  Cole couldn't think of anything to put on the totem pole for anger because he knew that there was still more that he had to learn.  The winter caused Cole to give up soaking int the pond, carrying the ancestor rock, and carving the totem pole.  When Edwin came to visit, Cole was told that Peter tried to commit suicide.  Cole had an idea on how to help Peter, but Edwin wouldn't listen.  He wanted Peter to come and stay on the island with him so he could learn that life is good and worth living for.  Soon after, Cole decided to go the pond again because he couldn't stop worrying about Peter.  Cole could barely stay in the water; it was freezing.  He was interrupted when he heard the sound of Edwin's boat engine.  Edwin said that Peter had tried to commit suicide again.  Edwin asked for Cole's idea on helping Peter.

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